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Weather Policy

In the event of inclement weather or any other unforeseen circumstances that may require us to cancel a practice session, we will promptly notify you via email, as well as a post on the team website and push notification on the Swimtopia app.

To ensure that you receive timely updates, please make sure to regularly check your email and keep your contact information up to date within your account.

When a practice cancellation occurs, we will provide you with the following information:

  1. Reason for the cancellation (e.g., inclement weather, facility maintenance, etc.).
  2. Date and time of the canceled practice.
  3. Contact information in case you have any questions or concerns regarding the cancellation.

Please remember that the safety and well-being of our swimmers are our top priorities. We will always strive to make decisions in the best interest of our team members, taking into account weather conditions, facility availability, and any other relevant factors.

Always use your best judgment if you have any concerns about the weather conditions.

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